Queued for half an hour at the International Nasi Lemak stall in Changi Village food centre today, for 2 packets of nasi lemak which weren't even that good, and whose sambal chili gave me a stomach upset (may be my fault for eating too much). But queuing behind this girl made the wait seem less long.
Probably the adorablest single-eyelid girl toddler I've ever seen.
Been a disappointing week, to say the least. Wanted to go to the FashBash/MAAD bazaar at Red Dot, didn't. Wanted to go to Open House at Wilkie Road, didn't. And after weeks of driving myself mad with anticipation for my first Holga roll, only 19 or the 36 shots could be processed, and more than half of the processed ones were blurry or had two shots in one frame. But I did manage to lug myself to the Uniqlo fashion show Wednesday night. And surprised myself by having a pretty good time. Here's some of what my creaky ol' Olympus mju managed to capture. Loved the food as much as the fashion, maybe more.
Actually, it's us. We're four girls who met ten years ago in school and decided we should have our little corner in cyberspace to blog about whatever we want - food, places, people, etc.