Sunday, 17 August 2008

Lunch at Ichiban Boshi

OK I am not going to make silly new year resolutions anymore like, "post monthly on the blog", where it's recorded for all to see that I'm not living up to my resolution. But for once, here I am, logged into Blogger just the day after I've eaten at a place, with the photos all uploaded, so I'm just gonna put them here.

Place: Iciban Boshi, Suntec City
Date: Sat 16 Aug 08
People: Dawn (birthday guest of honour), HX, Jen, moi


I had unagi with scrambled eggs. It had 3 major problems for me. 1) Rice was too hard. 2) Came with spring onion garnish (which I had to pick out). 3) Eel skin was too thick and oily, which I also sliced out, leaving me with not a whole lot of unagi to eat. Well lesson to me is I really shouldn't order unagi next time. But the scrambled eggs was yummy, especially with the savoury sauce it was doused in.

Dawn had the cold soba. Didn't hear any complaints from her, so it couldn't have been too bad. Plus the presentation looked really pretty. We thought it looked quite korean actually. Would've wanted to try that myself, but didn't think cold food would go down too well on a completely empty stomach.

Jen and HX went for an assortment of sushi, which turned out to be a really good plan. I shall try that next time when I'm less ravenous.

And finally, the piece de resistance. Rather, the pieces de resistance. 2 desserts which the four of us shared. Tempura ice-cream, and something else whose name I forget, but which essentially is peach ice-cream (with a hint of mint - as HX pointed out in her 2nd-to-last spoonful of the ice-cream) encased in a white chocolate shell so whole thing looks like a pretty little ripe peach. I definitely prefer the tempura, for its novelty if not its actual texture - the tempura part of it was quite soggy by the time it reached us. But the peach thingy just looked pretty, and was a little too sweet for my liking.

Not too shabby a dining experience, all in all. But next time, I'm just going for the sushi.

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