The concert started pretty punctually without fanfare at 7.32pm. The lights dimmed, the band members walked out, let the polite applause run its course, then SC strolled out to the mike to a louder, more enthusiastic welcome, and started the first song. She was dressed in a simple grey dress, black gladiator-esque stilettoes, and had a big glittery flower (hat?) perched on her head.
My first impression of her was a Gen-X Anita Mui; very sophisticated, very 冷艳, with a toned-down sense of glamour. She even sounded a bit like Anita, the mellow-voice type, but her songs reminded me more of Faye Wong. Not quite as avant-garde as FW's most out-there pieces, but definitely much more adventurous with instrumentation and soundscape then the mainstream Taiwanese pop we hear on, say, 百万大歌星. She only spoke to the audience at the end of the 2nd song, saying that she's not going to talk much during the concert, preferring to perform more songs, since it's so rare that she gets to perform here.
I only thought of noting down her song set from that point onwards (pity, I rather enjoyed the first two songs):
3. 你是我的酒
4. 载我回家
5. 花样年华
6. 尼可拉斯
This was the one that made me think of Faye Wong; the chorus bit sounds almost like FW's 萤火虫.
7. 距离
This was the one with audience interaction. She invited someone from the audience to experience what 距离 was, and was scouting in the semi-dark for 帅哥s. This guy in the first row bravely stood up to volunteer himself as one, and Sandee Chan said "好,就是你". Lucky guy professed to be her loyal fan right from her first album, and not only got to stare in her eyes thoughout the whole song, but also received a (very long) hug from her at the end. After he walked downstage, she said "这就是距离", and a male voice said loudly "我也要".
Sadly though it was also at point when I realised how bare the hall was, with huge gaping chunks of empty chairs in the middle portion of the stalls area, and the 2nd and 3rd floors also (as far as I could see) completely empty.
8. 如果有一件事是重要
This song I really liked. Prob my fav of the evening.
9. 你兴奋了吗
10. 勿忘我親親
I think. Damn tough to find this song online, but it has the lyrics "明年这时候我们会在哪里" in it. Supposedly theme song of Berlin Film Fest selected film Monga)
11. 醉人的诗意
12. 红眼睛
13. 幻觉
14. 你在烦恼些什么呢?亲爱的
Yes, that's the actual title of the song.
15. 今天清晨
16. 应该
17. 香水
Originally written for Nicholas Tse.
Paused here to introduce her band members, including a "不知道为什么很受欢迎的bass手-汪六" (who also performed at the WaWa concert last year), and Peter the drummer, whose sometimes overzealous percussion drowned out Sandee's voice, and managed to find moments to rock out even in some of the downbeat ballad-y songs.
18. 禁果花
Originally written for Sammi Cheng.
19. 完美
20. 双层漆 (?)
Really didn't manage to get the title of this one. But it must be the drummer's favourite song. It's one of the more rock pieces, and he really let it rip on this one, drum sticks and hands and hair flying all over the place.
21. 风景好
And that's it. No encores, no returning to the stage for additional Thank you's. The lights went up almost immediately after the last song, hint for us to get out of the place. But that was not the last we saw of her.
We didn't want to get the CDs they were selling outside, which were required for the post-performance autograph session, but we hang around to snap a few photos. One of the better ones I got before my battery went flat:

I just felt so sad for her. It was apparent a lot of work went into the concert. From the song selection, to the rehearsals, to the outfit (even though she wore just one), and the actual performance itself - a solid, professional 100-minutes odd of good music, despite the meagre turnout. Was it the too-late promotion? She wasn't in the original Huayi programme, and they only sent out email announcements of her concert about a month ago. Or was the venue simply too large? But I guess the smaller studios weren't available either.
Well, all I can say is, I'm glad I was there. Probably won't see her returning to Singapore any time soon.
now you have an additional reader. :)
agree that it is sad that her 1st ever concert in Singapore after being in the industry for so many years was not well attended. one reason must be she is not a mainstream singer and not well known here. (Singaporeans only go for pop idols). another could be publicity, although Esplanade has done quite a bit, there's zero publicity in Zaobao. not sure about the radio and the magazines though.
really hope that she will be back again, and hopefully, more will come to appreciate her good music.
me again. don't know the name of Sammi's song, but song 18 should be 苹果花 and 20 should be 双陈记。
hi there~ glad to hear that u enjoyed the perfect performance from sandee!
Song no. 18 should be 禁果花 while the second song she sang on the night was 蘋果花! and yea...the second last song she sang was 雙陳記.
it's really a bit disapppointing to see her first concert ever in singapore was not well attended, and yea i think that's due to the low publicity in singapore. Nevertheless, sandee did give us the best performance on the night! she is such a GREAT singer!
added on to one more reader, seriously it was well written, if i were her fan and i'm not able to make it that night i would have regret it. I'm so glad that you did enjoyed throughout. Hope she'll have more of this concerts in SIngapore. =D
so, it is really 禁果花,my bad.
anyway, has everyone read the review in The Straits Times? it is VERY WELL written!
can't agree more with the 1st para: "Sandee Chan may not be conventionally beautiful. But at her first gig here, most hot-blooded men in the audience must have wished that they were her microphone stand."
yes, i wish i were the mic stand! :)
Totoro & Vivian: Thanks for the song names, esp. 双陈记! Was googling for them like crazy. Yeah, think there could be more publicity, only saw an article about her in mypaper a few days before the concert. And according to a friend of mine, it seems there were several concerts going on that same night, all attracting the same crowd.
-sHiRlEy-: Well I wasn't a fan before her concert, but I sure am now! Perhaps a smaller, more cosy venue would be better for Sandee if she does return to perform in Singapore.
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