Thursday 23 April 2009

The water floweth once more...

Yes! The new pipes are in and the water is running again at home!

The family has been living like quasi-refugees for the past, what? 3 weeks now I guess, since ma discovered one fine Friday afternoon that the PUB bill has been off the charts and a leaking pipe had sprouted somewhere. Off went the main tap everyday except mornings and evenings; and out came the pots and pails and whatever receptacle I never even knew we owned to store water through the day.

Until today. Five plumbers came in a flurry of tile-hacking, pipe-fixing, swing-moving (not that the swing had anything to do with the leak situation, but we decided to donate a swing to the kindergarten across the street instead of hacking it into a hundred pieces of scrap metal, and it helps having the plumbing folks to carry it over), and voila! My first shower with decent water pressure in weeks. I'm going to have to remember not to sleepwalk out the house tomorrow morning to turn the tap on under the mango tree.

Anyway. Had 炸酱面, fish bee hoon soup and the queue-worthy Riverside Indo grilled fish with rice from Tampines Mall Kopitiam to celebrate. Well, not really. Everyone was so tired at the end of the day there was no leftover energy to prepare dinner, so I da-paoed food home. Felt like some kind of celebration.

Never appreciated water more in my life. Really, I think this tops any water-saving campaign PUB comes up with. Maybe they should cut the water supply of every household a day each year to remind us how precious it is.

Hm. Or maybe not.

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